Bahrain CO2 Emissions

Fossil CO2 Emissions (2016)
Yearly Change
Global Share
Tons per capita
  • Fossil CO2 emissions in Bahrain were 24,458,384 tons in 2016.
  • CO2 emissions increased by 2.50% over the previous year, representing an increase by 597,104 tons over 2015, when CO2 emissions were 23,861,281 tons.
  • CO2 emissions per capita in Bahrain are equivalent to 17.35 tons per person (based on a population of 1,409,661 in 2016), a dicrease by -0.17 over the figure of 17.52 CO2 tons per person registered in 2015; this represents a change of -1.0% in CO2 emissions per capita.

Fossil Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions of Bahrain

Year Fossil CO2
CO2 emisions
CO2 emissions
per capita
Population Pop.
Share of World's
CO2 emissions
2016 24,458,384 2.50% 17.35 1,409,661 3.49 % 0.07%
2015 23,861,281 6.15% 17.52 1,362,142 3.89 % 0.07%
2014 22,478,176 5.06% 17.14 1,311,134 3.92 % 0.06%
2013 21,396,146 8.41% 16.96 1,261,673 3.00 % 0.06%
2012 19,736,138 0.25% 16.11 1,224,939 1.06 % 0.06%
2011 19,686,020 2.34% 16.24 1,212,077 -0.13 % 0.06%
2010 19,236,075 1.98% 15.85 1,213,645 2.90 % 0.05%
2009 18,861,686 2.53% 15.99 1,179,453 6.22 % 0.05%
2008 18,396,234 -3.41% 16.57 1,110,343 6.71 % 0.05%
2007 19,044,981 16.61% 18.30 1,040,532 7.16 % 0.05%
2006 16,332,417 -1.02% 16.82 970,981 7.66 % 0.05%
2005 16,501,227 9.01% 18.30 901,921 8.22 % 0.05%
2004 15,136,667 -15.62% 18.16 833,451 7.09 % 0.04%
2003 17,937,650 2.73% 23.05 778,256 4.00 % 0.05%
2002 17,460,769 5.06% 23.33 748,324 2.47 % 0.05%
2001 16,619,326 4.63% 22.76 730,257 2.64 % 0.05%
2000 15,883,393 1.36% 22.33 711,442 2.79 % 0.04%
1999 15,670,330 0.86% 22.64 692,133 2.92 % 0.04%
1998 15,536,873 5.99% 23.10 672,484 3.04 % 0.04%
1997 14,658,257 5.76% 22.46 652,643 3.14 % 0.04%
1996 13,859,796 4.08% 21.90 632,756 3.23 % 0.04%
1995 13,316,925 0.90% 21.73 612,934 3.32 % 0.04%
1994 13,198,003 0.45% 22.25 593,254 3.40 % 0.04%
1993 13,138,247 -0.33% 22.90 573,755 3.48 % 0.04%
1992 13,181,296 4.25% 23.77 554,470 3.56 % 0.04%
1991 12,644,032 -2.25% 23.62 535,415 3.48 % 0.04%
1990 12,935,186 3.33% 25.00 517,418 3.41 % 0.04%
1989 12,518,322 -0.79% 25.02 500,349 3.52 % 0.04%
1988 12,618,118 2.64% 26.11 483,337 3.59 % 0.04%
1987 12,293,884 -2.94% 26.35 466,565 3.64 % 0.03%
1986 12,666,129 17.50% 28.13 450,196 3.64 % 0.04%
1985 10,779,377 18.71% 24.82 434,375 3.62 % 0.03%
1984 9,080,676 -5.83% 21.66 419,217 3.57 % 0.03%
1983 9,643,068 13.57% 23.82 404,772 3.52 % 0.03%
1982 8,490,609 5.43% 21.71 391,017 3.60 % 0.02%
1981 8,053,440 7.06% 21.34 377,430 4.09 % 0.02%
1980 7,522,220 1.38% 20.75 362,595 4.59 % 0.02%
1979 7,419,666 6.71% 21.40 346,697 4.77 % 0.02%
1978 6,953,064 5.87% 21.01 330,912 4.94 % 0.02%
1977 6,567,719 10.38% 20.83 315,337 5.10 % 0.02%
1976 5,949,974 8.52% 19.83 300,044 5.24 % 0.02%
1975 5,483,030 3.26% 19.23 285,116 5.35 % 0.02%
1974 5,310,152 17.92% 19.62 270,627 5.45 % 0.01%
1973 4,503,338 26.28% 17.55 256,632 5.55 % 0.01%
1972 3,566,106 19.81% 14.67 243,143 5.26 % 0.01%
1971 2,976,475 0.63% 12.89 230,992 3.79 % 0.01%


See also