Bulgaria CO2 Emissions

Fossil CO2 Emissions (2016)
Yearly Change
Global Share
Tons per capita
  • Fossil CO2 emissions in Bulgaria were 50,872,910 tons in 2016.
  • CO2 emissions decreased by -6.00% over the previous year, representing a dicrease by -3,246,097 tons over 2015, when CO2 emissions were 54,119,007 tons.
  • CO2 emissions per capita in Bulgaria are equivalent to 7.02 tons per person (based on a population of 7,245,975 in 2016), a dicrease by -0.38 over the figure of 7.40 CO2 tons per person registered in 2015; this represents a change of -5.2% in CO2 emissions per capita.

Fossil Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions of Bulgaria

Year Fossil CO2
CO2 emisions
CO2 emissions
per capita
Population Pop.
Share of World's
CO2 emissions
2016 50,872,910 -6.00% 7.02 7,245,975 -0.87 % 0.14%
2015 54,119,007 6.34% 7.40 7,309,253 -0.85 % 0.15%
2014 50,892,197 6.99% 6.90 7,372,141 -0.79 % 0.14%
2013 47,566,753 -10.27% 6.40 7,431,167 -0.76 % 0.13%
2012 53,010,597 -1.14% 7.08 7,488,344 -0.73 % 0.15%
2011 53,623,800 10.36% 7.11 7,543,130 -0.65 % 0.15%
2010 48,588,418 5.70% 6.40 7,592,273 -0.56 % 0.14%
2009 45,968,003 -14.98% 6.02 7,634,735 -0.52 % 0.13%
2008 54,064,663 -5.25% 7.04 7,674,913 -0.57 % 0.15%
2007 57,058,570 7.31% 7.39 7,719,035 -0.61 % 0.16%
2006 53,171,803 2.50% 6.85 7,766,036 -0.63 % 0.15%
2005 51,876,478 2.20% 6.64 7,815,221 -0.64 % 0.15%
2004 50,760,279 -3.29% 6.45 7,865,316 -0.66 % 0.14%
2003 52,485,513 12.84% 6.63 7,917,739 -0.72 % 0.15%
2002 46,511,692 -5.39% 5.83 7,974,810 -0.75 % 0.13%
2001 49,162,279 4.53% 6.12 8,034,860 -0.78 % 0.14%
2000 47,031,003 -0.89% 5.81 8,097,691 -0.79 % 0.13%
1999 47,454,890 -10.48% 5.81 8,162,301 -0.88 % 0.13%
1998 53,008,109 -6.11% 6.44 8,234,927 -1.01 % 0.15%
1997 56,460,527 -6.72% 6.79 8,318,966 -0.98 % 0.16%
1996 60,530,963 1.48% 7.20 8,401,376 -0.90 % 0.17%
1995 59,650,475 1.60% 7.04 8,477,579 -0.83 % 0.17%
1994 58,711,468 -3.34% 6.87 8,548,466 -0.73 % 0.16%
1993 60,740,343 1.47% 7.05 8,611,535 -0.66 % 0.17%
1992 59,860,720 -4.62% 6.91 8,668,540 -0.61 % 0.17%
1991 62,759,806 -23.39% 7.20 8,721,660 -0.53 % 0.18%
1990 81,923,293 -9.46% 9.34 8,767,778 -0.42 % 0.23%
1989 90,479,724 -1.15% 10.28 8,804,430 -0.36 % 0.25%
1988 91,529,888 -1.04% 10.36 8,835,815 -0.34 % 0.26%
1987 92,496,402 0.37% 10.43 8,865,755 -0.30 % 0.26%
1986 92,153,331 1.31% 10.36 8,892,100 -0.28 % 0.26%
1985 90,963,846 2.67% 10.20 8,917,076 -0.25 % 0.25%
1984 88,602,497 -1.68% 9.91 8,939,490 -0.19 % 0.25%
1983 90,114,816 -1.16% 10.06 8,956,433 -0.16 % 0.25%
1982 91,176,698 2.37% 10.16 8,970,485 -0.09 % 0.26%
1981 89,067,903 -4.34% 9.92 8,978,412 -0.02 % 0.25%
1980 93,109,549 3.39% 10.37 8,980,606 0.07 % 0.26%
1979 90,053,842 3.67% 10.03 8,974,427 0.18 % 0.25%
1978 86,865,824 3.36% 9.70 8,958,267 0.26 % 0.24%
1977 84,044,669 3.65% 9.41 8,935,452 0.37 % 0.24%
1976 81,086,894 1.29% 9.11 8,902,474 0.47 % 0.23%
1975 80,057,110 6.51% 9.03 8,860,971 0.57 % 0.22%
1974 75,166,465 1.91% 8.53 8,810,675 0.65 % 0.21%
1973 73,756,742 1.84% 8.43 8,753,489 0.61 % 0.21%
1972 72,427,307 3.37% 8.32 8,700,153 0.62 % 0.20%
1971 70,067,335 -0.11% 8.10 8,646,260 0.74 % 0.20%


See also