Greece CO2 Emissions

Fossil CO2 Emissions (2016)
Yearly Change
Global Share
Tons per capita
  • Fossil CO2 emissions in Greece were 67,840,662 tons in 2016.
  • CO2 emissions decreased by -3.47% over the previous year, representing a dicrease by -2,435,839 tons over 2015, when CO2 emissions were 70,276,501 tons.
  • CO2 emissions per capita in Greece are equivalent to 6.31 tons per person (based on a population of 10,749,742 in 2016), a dicrease by -0.19 over the figure of 6.50 CO2 tons per person registered in 2015; this represents a change of -3.0% in CO2 emissions per capita.

Fossil Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions of Greece

Year Fossil CO2
CO2 emisions
CO2 emissions
per capita
Population Pop.
Share of World's
CO2 emissions
2016 67,840,662 -3.47% 6.31 10,749,742 -0.53 % 0.19%
2015 70,276,501 -3.29% 6.50 10,806,641 -0.52 % 0.20%
2014 72,666,425 -3.85% 6.69 10,862,969 -0.47 % 0.20%
2013 75,579,736 -9.61% 6.92 10,914,505 -0.45 % 0.21%
2012 83,611,992 -3.07% 7.63 10,963,635 -0.37 % 0.23%
2011 86,263,682 -3.53% 7.84 11,004,725 -0.26 % 0.24%
2010 89,419,654 -7.10% 8.10 11,033,783 -0.20 % 0.25%
2009 96,250,185 -5.76% 8.71 11,055,496 -0.16 % 0.27%
2008 102,138,360 -3.84% 9.22 11,073,623 -0.16 % 0.29%
2007 106,216,578 3.53% 9.58 11,091,493 -0.13 % 0.30%
2006 102,591,710 -1.28% 9.24 11,106,093 -0.07 % 0.29%
2005 103,925,311 2.15% 9.35 11,113,448 -0.01 % 0.29%
2004 101,740,078 -0.27% 9.15 11,115,091 0.04 % 0.28%
2003 102,019,875 3.84% 9.18 11,110,487 0.12 % 0.29%
2002 98,246,638 0.01% 8.85 11,096,617 0.22 % 0.27%
2001 98,238,788 2.17% 8.87 11,072,182 0.31 % 0.27%
2000 96,149,610 7.99% 8.71 11,038,109 0.40 % 0.27%
1999 89,033,580 0.27% 8.10 10,993,862 0.50 % 0.25%
1998 88,791,714 4.08% 8.12 10,939,475 0.59 % 0.25%
1997 85,307,948 1.21% 7.84 10,875,273 0.66 % 0.24%
1996 84,291,497 -0.15% 7.80 10,803,806 0.71 % 0.24%
1995 84,417,567 3.83% 7.87 10,727,927 0.76 % 0.24%
1994 81,302,929 1.95% 7.64 10,647,416 0.79 % 0.23%
1993 79,749,058 -0.62% 7.55 10,563,441 0.81 % 0.22%
1992 80,244,802 2.68% 7.66 10,478,388 0.84 % 0.22%
1991 78,147,851 -0.03% 7.52 10,391,547 0.87 % 0.22%
1990 78,171,069 2.13% 7.59 10,302,255 0.88 % 0.22%
1989 76,543,702 6.48% 7.50 10,211,979 0.91 % 0.21%
1988 71,886,122 6.67% 7.10 10,120,191 0.91 % 0.20%
1987 67,392,339 8.36% 6.72 10,029,141 0.93 % 0.19%
1986 62,194,923 -0.61% 6.26 9,936,726 0.98 % 0.17%
1985 62,578,882 5.73% 6.36 9,840,141 1.02 % 0.18%
1984 59,188,109 2.42% 6.08 9,740,382 1.08 % 0.17%
1983 57,789,298 6.41% 6.00 9,636,353 1.13 % 0.16%
1982 54,306,156 2.06% 5.70 9,528,815 1.17 % 0.15%
1981 53,207,755 -0.61% 5.65 9,418,994 1.20 % 0.15%
1980 53,534,024 0.25% 5.75 9,307,148 1.23 % 0.15%
1979 53,401,061 5.70% 5.81 9,194,178 1.21 % 0.15%
1978 50,520,988 5.42% 5.56 9,084,308 1.13 % 0.14%
1977 47,923,362 4.83% 5.33 8,983,236 1.04 % 0.13%
1976 45,714,154 12.14% 5.14 8,890,428 0.97 % 0.13%
1975 40,764,340 5.17% 4.63 8,805,415 0.87 % 0.11%
1974 38,759,106 -2.05% 4.44 8,729,701 0.73 % 0.11%
1973 39,570,662 7.08% 4.57 8,666,390 0.58 % 0.11%
1972 36,952,854 22.66% 4.29 8,616,667 0.47 % 0.10%
1971 30,126,081 3.58% 3.51 8,576,109 0.37 % 0.08%


See also